Odoo Versi 14.0
Informasi tentang contoh Odoo, Sumber terbuka.
Aplikasi diinstal
- Theme United
- Powerful & Modern Odoo E-Commerce Multipurpose Theme
- Open endpoint to connect with frontend
- Penjualan
- From quotations to invoices
- Penagihan
- Invoices & Payments
- Situs Web
- Enterprise website builder
- Stok Persediaan
- Manage your stock and logistics activities
- Pembelian
- Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
- User-friendly PoS interface for shops and restaurants
- eCommerce
- Sell your products online
- Professional REST API
- Professional RESTful API access to Odoo models with (optional) predefined and tree-like schema of response Odoo fields
- USM Accounting
- Customization Odoo for USM related to sale
- USM ACTS Connector
- Connector to get and update data ACTS belong to USM
- USM Banner
- Create and edit slide banner
- USM Delivery
- USM Delivery
- USM Notification
- Manage notification for frontend layer
- USM Partner User
- Customization related to user for USM
- USM Print Label
- USM Print Label
- USM Product
- Customization related to product for USM
- USM Promo Ongkir
- Promo ongkir
- USM Reward
- Give user point for every purchase and user can use point to other purchase
- USM Sale
- Customization Odoo for USM related to sale
- Generate and send Token on intended method, such as: forgot password, change password, invited user login.
- USM Website
- USM Website Template
- Enablr Xendit Connector
- Xendit Payment Connector
- Diskusi
- Chat, mail gateway and private channels